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How to Submit an Incident

This content is updated as of July 17, 2024.
  1. Log into the TAMUS ISAO Portal at

  2. Click + New and select Submit Incident Report. Step 1

  3. Enter the following basic details for the incident and click Next:

    a. Title: A short title that identifies the nature of the incident

    b. Description: A thorough description of the incident's nature and scope, including any ticket/incident numbers from the affected member(s) and/or DIR SPECTRIM submissions

    c. TLP: Designate the incident TLP:RED unless instructed otherwise

  4. Enter the following additional information and click Next:

    a. Affected Member(s): Select the affected system member(s)

    b. Functional Impact: Identify the current level of impact on system member functions or services; refer to the chart on the Incident Notification Guidelines page for a detailed explanation of the options

    c. Information Impact: Identify the type of information lost, compromised, or corrupted; refer to the chart on the Incident Notification Guidelines page for a detailed explanation of the options

    d. Recoverability: Estimate the scope of time and resources needed to recover from the incident; refer to the chart on the Incident Notification Guidelines page for a detailed explanation of the options

    e. Attack Vector(s): Any known method(s) used by the threat actor to effect the incident

    f. Risk to Research Activities or Data: Check this box if any research activities or data were impacted due to the incident

    g. Date of Detection: The date/time the activity was first detected

    h. Number of Systems Affected: Identify the number of systems, records, and users impacted

    i. Location: Identify the location(s) (campus, building, room, logical network, etc.) impacted

    j. Threat Indicators: Provide any threat indicators, including signatures, IPs, emails, domains, etc. developed in relationship to the incident

  5. Attach any supporting documents/images and click Next.

  6. Preview the information to be submitted in the incident report and click Submit.