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Prohibited Technology

These guidelines are effective October 7, 2024.


On December 7, 2022, Governor Greg Abbott issued a directive requiring all state agencies to ban the video-sharing application TikTok from all state-owned and state-issued devices and networks over the Chinese Communist Party’s ability to use the application for surveilling Texans. Governor Abbott also directed the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) to develop a plan providing state agencies guidance on managing personal devices used to conduct state business. Following the issuance of the Governor’s directive, the 88th Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 18931, which prohibits the use of covered applications on governmental entity devices.

Guidance Statement

The guidance issued by DPS and DIR requires The Texas A&M University System (“system”) to remove covered applications and prohibited technology which are on the DIR prohibited technology list2 (“Prohibited Technology”) from state-owned and state-issued devices and block access to prohibited technology from state-owned networks.

Covered applications are defined as (1) the social media service TikTok or any successor application or service developed or provided by ByteDance Limited, or an entity owned by ByteDance Limited, and (2) social media applications or services specified by proclamation of the governor under Tex. Gov’t Code § 620.0053. Prohibited technology is any other hardware or software prohibited by DIR from use on state-owned and state-issued devices.

This plan is adopted under the authority of System Policy 29.01, Information Resources4, and applies to all system employees, contractors, and users of system member networks. All system employees, contractors, and users are responsible for complying with this plan. In this plan, “prohibit” is to not allow by policy and “prevent” is to have a technical control in place unless an exception exists.


All exceptions to this plan are treated as high residual risk decisions as defined in 1 Tex. Admin. Code § 202.75(4)(B)5 and must be approved by the institution of higher education head and reported to DIR using established member procedures for processing exceptions. This authority may not be delegated.

Exceptions to covered applications are limited to the following categories:

  • Law enforcement and public safety investigations
  • Developing or implementing information security measures

Exceptions to other prohibited technology are limited to the following categories:

  • Law enforcement and public safety investigations
  • Other investigations and adjudications required by law, regulation or policy
  • Enforcement of system-owned intellectual property rights
  • Research in which a Prohibited Technology is critical to the project and an approved technology control plan is in place to protect campus research security, data and networks

Member Implementation

Members are directed to implement any necessary administrative, operational or technical security controls to accomplish the following:


1.1. Except where approved exceptions apply, members must prohibit the use or download of covered applications and prohibited technologyies on all member-owned devices, including mobile phones, tablets, desktop and laptop computers, and other internet capable devices.

1.2. Members must identify, track, and control and manage member-owned devices to prevent prohibit the installation of or access to all covered applications and prohibited applications.

1.3. Members must manage all member-issued mobile devices by implementing the following security controls:

        1.3.1. Restricting access to prevent the installation of covered applications and prohibited applications;

        1.3.2. Maintaining the ability to remotely wipe non-compliant or compromised mobile devices;

        1.3.3. Maintaining the ability to remotely uninstall covered applications and prohibited applications from mobile devices, and

        1.3.4. Deploying security secure baseline configurations for mobile devices as determined by the member.

1.4. Members must configure security protection technologies (such as firewalls, endpoint protection, and email security gateways) to prevent communication with covered applications and prohibited applications technology on all member technology infrastructure.

1.5. Members must prohibit personal devices with prohibited hardware technology from connecting to member technology infrastructure, specifically local networks and VPN connections. Connections to public-facing member technology through the Internet (such as the member’s public website or publicly available applications) are excluded from this prohibition.

1.6. Members must implement the removal and prohibition of any covered applications and prohibited technology listed on the DIR website at, including any future additions or removals to the list.

1.7. Members may provide a separate logical or physical network for access to prohibited technology with the approval of the member chief executive officer.


2.1. Member employees and contractors are prohibited from installing or operating covered applications and prohibited applications or technologyies on any personal devices that are used to conduct state business.

2.2. Members must include the employee/contractor/user provisions of this plan in their rules of behavior and require all employees, contractors and users of member-owned networks to acknowledge the rules of behavior as part of their annual security awareness training.


3.1. Members must identify, catalog, and label locations designated as “sensitive locations”. Sensitive locations are defined as any location, physical or logical, that are used to discuss Confidential or Internal Use information of a sensitive nature that must be protected from unauthorized disclosure or public release.

3.2. Information owners will identify the information under their control that requires protection from unauthorized disclosure which will be only discussed within sensitive locations.

3.3. Members must prohibit devices with prohibited technology from entering sensitive locations, including any electronic meeting labeled as a sensitive location, when discussions involving sensitive information take place.

3.4. Visitors granted access to sensitive locations are subject to the same limitations as employees and contractors on prohibited technology-enabled devices when entering sensitive locations.


  1. Tex. S.B. 1893, 88th Leg., R.S. (2023)

  2. Covered Applications and Prohibited Technologies, Texas Department of Information Resources

  3. Texas Government Code § 620.005

  4. System Policy 29.01, Information Resources

  5. 1 Texas Administrative Code § 202.75